Virtual Visits

Rakhma has purchased tablets for each home in order to maintain family contact during COVID-19, we understand how important family relationships are to the health and wellbeing of each resident and want to facilitate those relationships any way possible during this time. 

Below are instructions on how to access Skype and connect with your family members. Thanks for your continued support and feel free to reach out with any questions during this time! 

Skype Instructions

Please download the Skype app onto your phone or computer.

Log in or create a free account.

Click the magnifying glass and search for (Peace Home Rakhma) (Grace Home Rakhma) (Joy Home Rakhma) or (Harmony Home Rakhma)


Families should call the house phone before calling with Skype so staff can be sure the device is on.


Mandatory PPE


Cleaning and Disinfection Recommendations