Visitor Restrictions

We have cancelled all volunteers and non-essential visitors from coming to Rakhma's homes indefinitely, we have also cancelled all community activities in order to limit unnecessary contact with residents. 

We have advised all employees to stay home if they are exhibiting flu-like symptoms and are screening all travel requests on a case by case basis and following CDC advise for quarantining periods following travel to affected areas. 

We have doubled our efforts in our sanitary practices, hand washing, and environmental cleaning and disinfecting.

Our RN's are submitting daily nursing reports on resident health status and we are monitoring any changes closely. 

You will also find attached a wellness screening checklist, this tool will allow families and guardians to conduct a self-screening prior to visiting Rakhma's homes. If you answer yes to any the wellness screening questions we are advising that you please refrain from visiting until further information is provided. 

We are monitoring the status of the Coronavirus on a daily basis and updating our guidelines as more information becomes available from the Center for Disease Control and the World Health Organization. 

Please reach out and let us know if you have any questions or concerns or would like to talk through any specific situation. The safety and care of the residents Rakhma serves is our number one priority and we appreciate all of your support in helping to ensure Rakhma remains a healthy place to be during this Coronavirus outbreak. 


Non-Essential Personnel Restrcitions


Wellness Screening Tool for ALL Visitors